
Ceramics, Paintings, and Drawings

by Barbara Jeanne Jenkins


This website is a place for Barbara Jeanne Jenkins to make her work easily accessible to the public. Barbara’s practice is quite solitary, made in her apartment studio, it seems to be the best format to be able to sustain her practice. By offering ceramics, drawings, and paintings for purchase, she is able focus her time (apart from substitute teaching at Chicago Public Schools) on the work in the studio. You may have encountered Jenkins on Jonquil at Renegade or The One of A Kind show at the Merchandise Mart in Chicago, but the website continues to be a much more manageable place to continue having work. Did you see something on her Instagram you would like to purchase but do not see in the shop? Please email her as she will be happy to make prices and purchasing easily available. Find the link to the contact page, or simply email barbarajeannejenkins@gmail.com Thank you for your support!

Barbara Jeanne JenkinsSelf portrait, graphite on paper, 2020

Barbara Jeanne Jenkins

Self portrait, graphite on paper, 2020